Trane Parts Selection Tool

Access the most detailed unit information online at all times

If you need to find all the parts related to a specific unit, ComfortSite is your additional on-line resource that will further help you make your parts selection. Search the required parts entering your unit model number, sales order number, serial number …. and get quick access to more detailed resources on your equipment and its options:

  • Complete spare parts lists
  • Recommended spare parts lists
  • Corresponding drawings and detailed exploded views
  • Part numbers and names
  • Option to print as .pdf files and export as Excel files
  • Option to save your searches and job quotations

Available 24 hours a day, these online resources can help resolve enquiries more quickly.
The ComforSite platform also allows you to send your quote and parts requests:

  • Select the needed parts
  • Place them in the shopping cart to build your parts list
  • Send your parts list to the local Parts center or local parts contact.

Get connected

Contact your nearest sales office to learn more and sign up for free or login if you already have an account: